-- card: 9129 from stack: in.1 -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 2202 -- name: PowerToggle ----- HyperTalk script ----- on enterkey if the shiftkey is down then if the tool is "browse tool" then choose button tool else if the tool is "button tool" then choose field tool else choose browse tool else if the optionkey is down then if the tool is "button tool" then domenu new button else if the tool is "field tool" then domenu new field else pass enterkey end if end if end enterkey -- part contents for background part 10 ----- text ----- 8 -- part contents for background part 3 ----- text ----- PowerToggle -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- --NOTE: Handlers are included in the Function section for convenience. --This script is a variation of a script presented in the January 1988 issue of MacWorld. --It allows you regular use of the enterkey, but turns it into a tool toggle when the --shiftkey is held down. Additionally it it turns into an object creator when the option key --is held down. -- --When the enterkey is pressed with the shiftkey held down, the tool palette will toggle --from the browse tool to the button tool to the field tool and back to the browse tool. -- --When the enterkey is pressed with the optionkey held down, you will create a new field, --or a new button, depending upon which tool is hilighted. -- --Best place to put this is in your home stack script. It is installed in this card. Try it! --This variation is from Steve Drazga, ART Incorporated. -- on enterkey if the shifkey is down then if the tool is "browse tool" then choose button tool else if the tool is "button tool" then choose field tool else choose browse tool else if the optionkey is down then if the tool is "button tool" then domenu new button else if the tool is "field tool" then domenu new field else pass enterkey end if end if end enterkey